Fighting Corals


New Member
I've been reading alot about corals fighting and stinging each other. What does this look like and how can you tell if your corals are not getting along. I'd hate to have a nano up and going and not tell if my corals are fighting each other.


Active Member
I wrote about this problem that happened in my 12 gallon nano cube. Don't buy big pieces, only go with frags and you'll be okay.

It's not a pretty sight when they sting each other and one usually is a lot more potent than the other and it's a mess for the losing coral.


Sugar Magnolia

New Member
Your best bet is to give everything plenty of room. Mushrooms, which look quite harmelss actually are pretty aggresive depending upon the species. My striped shrooms cause my zoos to close up and my rhodactis have stung the crap out of two of my montiporas casuing the flesh to recede in places. Not good.


New Member
Normally you can tell if they're stinging each other because one will end up scrunched up, and not extending as much as normal. Sometimes the areas that are getting burned will change colors.



New Member
Just do homework on the corals you will buy before coming home with them. Many corals have sweeper tentacles, others just sting anything that touches it. I wouldn't recommend any corals really that have sweepers for a nano, but if they're small and you give them ample should be'll just have to frag them down eventually.