Feather Duster Problems


New Member
Over time my featherduster has been seeming a little more "sad" looking much likea wilting flower. Since then I have been supplementing phytoplankton (the good refrigerated stuff) to no avail. Does anyone know anything else I should try? Water params are good, should I put it in a more lighted area? it seems to have moved into the shade...


New Member
I had a feather duster that was really sad and stressed.
It shed his crown eventually and i was pretty freakout out.
About 2 weeks later of not messing around with my tank, just water chagnes, it started regrowing a new crown. that was about a month ago. It is growing bigger everyday.

I guess what im trying to say is, dont stress it out more, let the guy be. Dosing phyto might help, but i didnt do anything and my duster is doing just fine. Moving the guy to higher light shouldnt do anything either because they are not phytosyntheic at all.

Keep us updated :D


i agree with brandon - they can be finicky personally i've never had much long term luck with them
i wouldn't move it - that seems to add more stress