Encrusting coral


New Member
Sometime ago, I bought an encrusting coral. I don't remember the exact species. It is red and black and a real nice piece of eye candy. That was then. I moved it out of the light. Now it is dying. I had a canyon like place with a little light and I sat it back in there. It never grew after that. When it was in the light it would only grow toward itself. There was three individual sections. When they met, the corals would grow up in the air like they were fighting for space. It wouldn't attach itself to the new live rock for any amount of coaxing. Do these corals need light? I thought for some reason they didn't. Didn't realize the bad shape it was in until I moved. Any suggestions? :iill


Staff member
Can you supply a pic? Without more to go on I have no idea about the requirements for your coral. Skip


New Member
Sounds like some sort of SPS...maybe? If so, then for sure it needs tons of light. I think most encrusting corals are sps...i dunno. yeh, lets see a pic.


Staff member
There are also things like encrusting briarium that is not an SPS so like I already mentioned we need more info or at least a pic.


New Member
Chub, Look at the SPS pics on liveaquaria.com, fishsupply.com, and marinedepotlive.com. Then look at the lps, especially the favia brains. Then start checking out the polyps, as most of them are encrusting as well. Without a pic, to help id the coral, it's just nearly impossible to help you out.



New Member
That's what I like about you incysor, you always have the answer when it's nearly impossibe to give one!