Electric Flame Scallop


New Member
Im thinking about buying an Electric Flame Scallop and I have been doing some reading up on it and was wondering who else has one or any one with experience with them. I would like to know as much as possible before purchasing. Any info would be helpful.


New Member
The tank has been up and running now over 2 months. I currently have the stock lighting on the 12dx nano cube. I know that they like low light and I have plenty of caves for it to hide into. Thanks for the info.


New Member
either way I would skip it , if you are really set on one wait till the tank has been up for atleast a year , just my .02
I am sure others on here have kept them successfully but , when I researched them for us I just decided that tho pretty and neat I could not give it what it needed for long term survival


New Member
i had one in my 20L and was doing great. it had noticable growth on the shell. i did target feed it cyclo-eez. died after six months, but it was in my ten for about two months. it moved to hte back under a piece of LR to where i was unable to target feed. will try another one in the future. hope this help and good luck


Staff member
I have kept them in the past and the main problem I had with them was that they moved all over the tank usually getting into areas where they couldn't be seen or target fed. They are quite beautiful though.


New Member
my firts one is still alive after a year or so. it's in a 20 gallon and i'm not target feeding it. moves around every now and then


New Member
Most people can't keep them alive longer than a couple months. I've tried them a couple times, and won't purchase anymore. Most of the comments I've heard on the boards are pretty similar.



New Member
Pretty much ditto to the above with me.....

The one that I had the longest was in a air driven under gravel filtered tank. it lasted almost a year and then all at once it weithered and died......

They are beautiful and they are cheap, but again they seem to be a collected item, that just shoudn't be collected.


New Member
I heard people say when they die they release poison into the tank, sorta like a doomsday bomb as cucumbers can. Don't know if it's true but it's enough to keep me from that purchase.