Dragon's RedSea is Ressurected...


Active Member
Hi all,

Sorry you guys and gals had to learn about me ditching the pico, I didn't want to post it here, because I was actually scared Dragon would kick my butt.

As you know, Dragon gave me that entire set to play with and I really wanted it to become another hit tank; but as Dragon mentioned in his post, he left this pico because of evaporation issues.

I later learned that the evaporation was really bad and as I added a second filter it really made things worse, in terms more evaporation. I was getting frustrated each night hearing the filter gurlge from lack of water.

I quietly got on my other two websites and the pico sold in just one day; I have an A+ track record on sales at reefcentral and nano-reef. Remember my two 12 gallons beauties, they went quick.

Well, after the tank was sold I had plans on a 6 gallon nano, but I didn't want to get the JBJ line since everyone has it. I wanted to get something totally different that no reefers have and mod it.

Well, as I walk into one of my LFS I see the small blue carpet and the coco worm and I cave in on placing the nano on hold.

My 72 gallon is not even close to being done in corals, so I decided to work on the tank a little more untill it fills in. Then I will bring out my master plan to build the secret nano. It will be unveiled here on this site first, I promise you that.

As for coming clean, Dragon I owe you some money and you will get it; how about I fly you up all expenses paid for my Birthday in March? So we can go LFS hopping which we didn't get to do in X-mas?

Mike G

A special thanks goes out to reefman and Dickie for making me come clean... You don't want to see the ugly side of Dragon, not to mention he is a couple of pounds heavier than me, hehehe


New Member
Aww Mike sorry to hear that you had problems with the evaporation :cry: . We have that to some extent with the 2.5 but I top off before bed and that seems to keep it quiet . Cant wait to see what is in the works for it but I am sure it would be a beaut when done . :sad: I am just sad that we will have to wait to see the "new" one


Staff member
I am near setting up the same tank but had no idea that evaporation was that bad, I figured a small amount daily but you make it sound much great than that. What do you think of this, I don't plan on anything but corals and a couple of snails so I was thinking that maybe I could 86 the filter(s) and use a small powerhead that I have and make a glass or plexiglass top to slow evaporation. I did this on my 2 1/2 that I had set up until I took it down to make some changes to it and had almost zero evap. I even had a baffle refugium in it before I used it to house my dwarf seahorses. The powerhead I would use for this is a zoomed 104 ( http://www.marinedepot.com/md_viewItem. ... uct=MZ3151 ). What do you think?

BTW Mike, I also saw your post in the selling forums on nano-reef, I follow the classifieds halfway to keep an eye out for deals.


Active Member
It's okay Dickie, I knew I would be caught sooner or later, I just didn't think Nanotank members would be the one to feed me to the lions; just kidden.

I haven't seen Dragon post yet and that's probably that he's on his way up to the SF Bay Area to open a can of wipe ass on me; just kidden, I spoke to him yesterday and he's really really busy with work.

I can only talk to him for only like 2 minutes before I he has to go....

Mike G


New Member
mikeguerrero said:
Mike G

A special thanks goes out to reefman and Dickie for making me come clean... You don't want to see the ugly side of Dragon, not to mention he is a couple of pounds heavier than me, hehehe

:lol3: :lol3: :lol3: can you imagine that zumo wrestling between dragon and you mike ... :lol3: :lol3: that will be funny sorry if i sound to rude but was funny and also i read some of dragon post when he first started and i can tell some of his ugly side :lol3: anyways to bad that we couldnt see another amazing job of yours making a great looking nano tank...
