death of my cleaner shrimp

little urchin

New Member
hi...i had a pair of cleaners....bought big full sized ones...a mated pair....the female full of eggs

today came home and she was dead on the sand...surrounded by a clear jelly -like substance....with no eggs in her swimmerette, and no sign of them

any ideas???

tested water immediately and all is fine



New Member
are you sure it is not just molt ?? some times when they molt they disappear ....for a period of time till the new shell hardens I am not sure what the jelly like substance was other than perhaps some kind of discharge ? You may wish to take some of your water to a lfs and have them cross check your results .. Sorry for your loss :sad:


Active Member
It sounds ironic that just one shrimp would die if water parameters are bad. Sounds like she molted but then again you mentioned that they were full sized shrimp and very probable that one died of age...

Hopefully she just molted....

Mike G

little urchin

New Member
it definately wasn't a moult...she's done it twice before with no problems!!! very strange...
spec grav.......1.023

thanks for the input


Active Member
She died of natural causes, many invertabrates die after laying clutches of eggs. The female octupus and squid have short life spans after propogation.

I really suspect yours died of age, I had large female die with clutches of eggs and I had her for about 2 years and when I first got her, she was very large adult size.

Mike G


Staff member
Cleaner shrimp are hermaphroditic so any two of them will make a pair. It sounds to me like old age was the culprit but it doesn't make the loss any easier. Sorry for your loss, Skip