Okay, I think there's some confusion as to what's in that tank. I can tell you most definitively that it is NOT cyano bubble algae, because there is no such thing. Somehow you've grouped two entirely different things together, so I'll help clear it up.
Cyano is not an algae at all. It's a bacteria, hence the name cyanobacteria. Bubble algae as it is most commonly called is valonia sp, a type of nuisance algae that can over run a tank if not removed.
Cyanobacteria is most often found in the typical red/maroon color, but can also be brown. It forms a dense mat and you will often see bubbles trapped in the mat. These are nitrogen bubbles that are normally released from the sand bed and LR, but in the presence of cyano, they get trapped in the mat. Here's a picture of your typical cyano outbreak
http://www.reefs.org/hhfaq/pages/pictur ... cyano.html And, here's an article about cyano from Reefs.org
Valonia sp., bubble algae forms small round glossy green balls, sometimes with a silver tint to them. They usually grow in clusters, but sometimes you may find a solitary bubble algae. Manual removal is recommended to get rid of this nuisance. Removing the rock from the tank and gently prying the bubbles loose from the rock, then giving the rock a quick rinse in a bucket of tankwater is the best way to handle them. If you pop them in the main tank you release the spores, which will spread the valonia. Emerald crabs are a hit or miss deal. They may eat it then again, they may not. A pic of bubble algae -
http://www.reefs.org/hhfaq/pages/pictur ... lonia.html
So, cyano is what I see in that picture. Chemi-clean does work, I've used it succesfully a few times in my smaller nanos, but I just tried to use it in the 30 and the cyano came back. Basically what the chemi-clean is, is an antibiotic and like most bacteria, it can become reisitant to chemical treatments. Hopefully yours won't.
My only suggestion would be to manually remove as much of the cyano as you can with a turkey baster before treating and during treatment.
HTH's. :wink: