"Current Environmental Issues"


Active Member
5-5-05 (Thur)

Good evening class, I wanted to thank the Moderator Brian, aka DJconn for allowing us to use his site as a precusor to complete one of your requirements.

Brian is an Environmental Scientist and comes to use with a wealth of ideas and information regarding the environment. I couldn't pass up this opportunity he is giving us and I am glad he is here to help us out.

This folder will be made for us to post our questions, and pick up answers to the completion of the first requirement.

Our first assignment will be to officially create a username and log onto the site, followed by a small introduction on yourself, much like we did in class.

I will announce in class everytime I post on this site. This discussion known as a thread will keep you informed on your assignment, which is to find a contemporary environmental issue and take a stand for it or against it.

Mr. Guerrero


New Member
My introduction

Hi Brian,

Thank you for letting us use this site!

My name is Padie Mueller, and I am in my 2nd quarter at Heald college studying business and computers. I can say that I am big into environmental issues, esspecially conserning animals and plant life.


Padie Mueller


New Member

Hi Brian,

Thanks for your help and support through your site. I am sure that you will provide us with a lot of educational information.

My name is Sarah Dinkel and I am currently in my last quarter at Heald College in Hayward, CA. I am studying Accounting. I look forward to working with you. Thanks again!

Sarah Dinkel


New Member
Hello There

Hi Brian,
My name is Liz Quintana and I am a student of Mr. Michael Guerrero of Heald College. I am a 7th quarter student attending night classes on a part time basis. My major is Business Administration with an emphasis in Accounting.

I work full time during the day for a national bank. I look forward to working with you and others from your website, it seems like a very interesting website. So much to learn on Nano Tanks. Thank you for letting us use it.

Liz Quintana :D


New Member
Hello Brian,
My name is Araceli Ramirez. I am a Six Quarter student at Hayward Heald Business College. My major is Business admisnistration with empahisis in Accounting. I have a four year old little girl and chihuahua donamed pinky.
I just want to thank you for helpings us with some topics for our final Project, and become part of our enviromental Science Class.
Thank You!
Araceli Ramiez :p


New Member
Hello Brian,
My name is Ric Amaguin and I would like to thank you for allowing my class and I to use your website as an open forum to discuss contemporary environmental issues. I am currently a 4th quarter student at heald and my major is business administration. I am sure that we will benefit from the information your site provides and will help us to finish our final project.

Many Thanks,
Ric Amaguin


Active Member
5-12 (Thur)

Good evening class,

I left you guys and gals with an attempt to narrow down a topic by next class session. I have taken the liberty to cut and past some of the topics and DJ and Phischy have shared:

The importance of controlled water (fertilizer) run-off into our oceans and reef habitats. Discuss the need for education and the pros/cons of limiting fertilizers in sensitive reef areas. How will it hurt their economy?

The importance of emission control devices at power plants/refineries/petrochemical plants and how these pollutants affect global warming. You can link global warming (and higher ocean temps) to the decline of our coral reefs. Discuss the pro/cons of such devices and what their added costs mean to us as consumers.

The importance of education in third world countries concerning reef destruction and over fishing. Abusive human activity has resulted to the loss of healthy coral reefs in the last 30 years in the range of 50 to 90 percent (Marine Fish and Reef Vol. 7).

The importance of recycling and the proper disposal of acids, greases, solvents, paints and other hazardous materials. Discuss how they leach into groundwater and water table and how it will eventually lead to our oceans. Weight the cost to us as consumers for setting up recycling programs and the cost effectiveness of melting aluminum cans and plastics.

Here is the group of topics that Phischy gave us:

Air Quality:

Should California be able to set their own air quality standards at a higher level than those set by the Federal Government. This is a hot topic out here, cali has really crappy air in LA and other big metro areas and can only clean up their act to get to EPA standards if emissions are set higher than the feds. But since cali is a huge auto market, the auto industry is fighting it stating that if cali goes tigheter on emissions then they'll have to build all auto's to the higher standards for cost efficiency reasons. So, should a state be able to set tighter emissions than federal regulations in order to meet EPA limits?

Clean Diesel. Why don't we have it? Diesels are already super more efficient than gasoline cars but are dirty simply b/c the diesel available has a high sulfer content. Bush is introducing low sulfur variants but this also should be pushed to address the 'Rolling Smoke Stacks" of the big rig industry. Further, should Mexican Big Rigs be allowed to to travel the US with even dirtier Mexico Diesel? This is another big issue on boarder towns with already crappy air quality.

CAFE Standards. These guidelines for the fuel efficiency of an entire fleet of cars (by auto maker) have not been revised in over 20 years. Big big deal, espically as gas supplies are coming under greater worldwide demand. Auto industry is against it but they were also against unleaded fuel and catalytic converters. Save the planet, save on fuel.

These are off the top of my head, not exactly reef related but not everyone is into this hobby. And if you want to save the reefs by building your own, then only purchase farm raised products!


New Member
My name is Tasmeem Azam. i will be graduating from Heald this quater. My major is Business Administrative Accounting. I'm currently working as an Account's Payable Clerk. i thank you for letting me use this website.



New Member
Hey Brian,

My name is Erick Nino and I am a third quarter student here at heald. Thanks for the issues and im learning a lot from Mr. Gurerrero. He makes things interesting.
If i have any questions ill be sure to ask.

Thanks, Erick :turnip