coral id


New Member
ok ok i need a few id's.... first is a hitch hicker on my snail...

second is some kinda of hard looks like small corals, but i dunno....they feel hard and spiny though...

and lastly, what all do i have growing on my rocks...i see some really bright green alge spots, some long brown lookin macro algae, some maroon and pruple coraline....and then some stuff that looks like white coraline? i thought at one point that i heard that white coraline was dead, but i swear this stuff is spreading



New Member
yep that looks like the green algae stuff i have. what about white lookin coralline on the rocks? good? bad? new stuff coming in?


the snail seems to have porites ?? growing on it - a high light sps likely won't make it unless the snail stays out on top the rock a lot. I don't see for sure what white stuff your mean - it just looks like dead coraline to me but thats not bad - coralines seem to be able to reinhabit surfaces faster then grow on new surfaces.