Coral Beauties


New Member
Anyone have any experience w/ Coral Beauties in a 12g? I've been researching them and I've read on different sites a min. of 20-30 gallons w/ lots of rockwork.....I obviously don't have that but it says that a blue damsel requires a 20 g. min...

Thoughts? Opinions? Experience?


New Member
Coral beauties are one of my favourite fish. I threw one in my 20 gallon without doing the necessary research and it did fine for about 3 months. It got ich and died soon after probably due to stress associated with the size constraint.

My opinion would be a definite 'no' to a coral beauty in a 12 gallon. I would like to try one again but I think they'd be better off in say a 30 gallon tank or so.

Let's see what incysor 'the NT fish expert' has to say...


New Member
lou52onu said:
Anyone have any experience w/ Coral Beauties in a 12g? I've been researching them and I've read on different sites a min. of 20-30 gallons w/ lots of rockwork.....I obviously don't have that but it says that a blue damsel requires a 20 g. min...

Thoughts? Opinions? Experience?
Yea, I agree with dj on this one. Although very beautiful, they will not do too well in that size of a tank. My girl has a 12 gal nanocube dx, and she likes the angels, but knows of how big they get and how it wouldn't really have a place to swim around. You'd do better with smaller fish, blenny, clown, psuedo or wrasse.


New Member
Sorry, but there isn't ANY angel that will do well in that small of a tank. Even the cherub, or flamebacks won't do well. These fish need a lot of swimming room.
I had a coral beauty in my 55 for about a year and a half. It was a really fantastic fish, but it was always cruising all over the tanks, through cracks and crannies. It drove the two damsels crazy, cause it's just swim through 'their' territory with no cares at all.
