Considering a picotope


New Member
I am considering in trying a small saltwater tank. and im thinking a picotope would be a good first try since it is tiny and i am not brave enough to invest on anything bigger just yet. is a picotope worth it? and also, are there any small fish that can live in it and will stay small? are there any other suggestions i should start off with?


New Member
Smallest fish I know are clown gobies. Sexy shrimp are nice and small and have a very tiny bio load. Browse the pico threads and take a look as some of those amazing tanks. Small tanks are easier on the pocketbook but require more daily maintenance. (I think it's worth it if you enjoy it)


:welcome to


New Member
Check out panda gobies... VERY small and cute! Keep in mind that their smaller volume means you have to keep a closer eye on things. Like time suggested, read through some of the threads and forums... I think mikeguerrero has a very nice pico thread to take a look at.

:welcome to!



New Member
thanks for the replies! i actually decided not to get a picotope and just turn my 3 gallon eclipse to saltwater starting yesterday. this will be me and my boyfriend's first saltwater tank so we're very excited. will post some pics when it is finished.
Keep in mind that the smaller the tank the more difficult it actually can be. Reason being is that small mistakes are greatly magnified and you really have to stay on top of maintenance and tops offs. Not trying to discourage you at all, just don't want you to be under the misconception that a smaller SW tank is easier than a big one.

Anyways, make sure to keep us up to date and maybe even start a build thread so we can watch your progress. Picos are really neat and you can do lots of very cool things with them.


New Member
Very cool! If you will have coral you may want to remove any "bio wheel" or other biological filtration (other than live rock and live sand). Nitrates may build up quickly because of that. Just top off with clean RO/DI water daily and do water changes weekly. A great thing about having a small tank is that it is easy to do water changes.


New Member
here is a pic of our first attempt at the early stage of our saltwater tank. we're actually having a problem with the temperature because it is getting a bit too hot. working on fixing that right now.



New Member
The hood may be the culprit. BTW how warm is too warm? I only ask because I keep my 90 at about 81.5 or so.


New Member
temp fixed! the temp used to be at 86 but after adding 2 fans, it now stays around 78-81 depending on the time of the day.

my bf put a fan in the back blowing in:

and then he cut a hole in the old eclipse hood and put a small fan blowing out:

hopefully, no more temp issues.