
New Member
I'm sure that this has been asked many time. What is the best for a clown to host, some kind of coral or some kind of anemone? I would rather like to stay away from anemones if possible. Which one do you all recommend and what kind is the best?

One other thing, is there some way that a member could log on and type in a subject or question and have the forum pull up just that topic that had been previously discussed? Sure would save you all a lot of replies. I do not know anything about computer programming so this is something that might be impossible. Thanks!


New Member
What kind of clown do you have? That plays a role in finding what it will host. A clown doesnt HAVE to have a host though.

As far as the topic thing goes, you can use the search function ( ), or you can also choose to receive messages when a topic is replied to by scrolling down the page and clicking where it says "watch this topic for replies" just below the "new topic" and "post reply" icons. Is that any help?



New Member
Heck, my clown hosts my wine zoas, my green hairy mushroom, and my GSP depending on his mood that week. He guards them and sleeps in them...
And always rub, rub,rub... but he's a little wierd.


New Member
mine have started to host in my ric. I know it sounds weird but they are both hanging all over it and rubbing in it.