Cleaner Shrimp


New Member
I just wanted to know, do cleaner shrimp actually HELP kill ich?

i read so much from websites and the lfs says that putting a cleaner shrimp will help out alot on my ich problem, is this true?

Thanks for help in advance

little urchin

New Member
when my royal gramma had ich my cleaner was chasing him all over the tank trying to get hold of him , and ignored him when he didn't have it.....unfortunately he never did catch him, but my brother's regularly climbs on his tang and rides around the tank picking at him, so i think maybe they can (i have read reports that they can), but with more success on bigger, less nervous fish


New Member
They infact do eat parasites from fish if the fish goes to his cleaning station .My clown wants nothing to do with our cleaner but he does ride around on the sea horses back ....I do believe that if your fish does in fact have ich then a cleaner shrimp is definatly a way to can also take a clove of garlic crush it up place some tank water into it and the food you are feeding and allow to sit NOT more than 30 minutes then feed the fish it has a appitite stimulant in it that gets the fish eating to naturally fight off ich and boosts their imune system ....Copper is not recommended in reef tanks and for use on "scaleless" fish such as clowns ...(I will look for the link where I read this says it can burn them) :mrgreen:
Run a search on the following link , scaleless fishcopper sensitive the consensus is that copper in a scaleless fish can be dangerous


New Member
Thanks for the replies
My fish have had ich for about 2 weeks and i have been doing the garlic treatment (soaking food in mashed garlic and pouring the juice into the tank everyday)
The firefish does not look like it is bothered by the ich and my yellow watchman goby is just fine(no ich)
I just wanted a cleaner shrimp to help out the firefish, also
i did not use any copper medicine in my tank because i have inverts and peppermint shirmp(that ignores the aptasia in the tank) :lol3:


New Member
A very good way to clerar away the ick from your fishes and help your corals to grow heathly is by adding a product called Coral Vital, it helps your fishes a lot from not geting afected by the ick and promotes de growth of your frags, corals and coraline algae.