Check out this RED SEA Melody series pico...


New Member
Yep, a clam and several SPS frags, under 18w. It seems like with his listed experience he should know better.



Active Member
Hey reefers,

Thats what I thought when I too saw the clam. I just couldn't understand how he can do that.

Dragon79 has two 18 watt power compacts over his tank and has been very conservative. I guess my bro learned his lesson after Phishcy let him have it over the bio-spira... hehehe

Hey guys maybe we should send Phishcy his way... what do you guys think????



New Member
wow, what an incredible looking tank for two months. I wish I could have found a cover like that that could shoot out the two 18's (36watts). Anyway, it's incredible things looks so damn nice for the 2 months he's had them.

Anyway as for the guy who started the thread, he hasn't even posted a picture yet, somebody stole he thread and was like, "check me out" Incredible.

Hey I have a question for you guys...anybody familiar with the Target Pistol Shrimp? He's Orange, with a lil target on his body with Purple Pinchers on him? I know they like to burrow in the sand for safety, but would he be agressive towards the little sexys i have in my 1 gallon. Thought he was cool but wasn't sure if it's something to throw in there.

I was thinking of a peppermint shrimp, but it appears he's so much bigger than the sexy's and might fight with them or eat them when they shed. I guess I'll stick with shrimps their size like the bumble-bee and anemone shrimp.


New Member
dragon79 said:
wow, what an incredible looking tank for two months. I wish I could have found a cover like that that could shoot out the two 18's (36watts). Anyway, it's incredible things looks so damn nice for the 2 months he's had them.

Anyway as for the guy who started the thread, he hasn't even posted a picture yet, somebody stole he thread and was like, "check me out" Incredible.

Hey I have a question for you guys...anybody familiar with the Target Pistol Shrimp? He's Orange, with a lil target on his body with Purple Pinchers on him? I know they like to burrow in the sand for safety, but would he be agressive towards the little sexys i have in my 1 gallon. Thought he was cool but wasn't sure if it's something to throw in there.

I was thinking of a peppermint shrimp, but it appears he's so much bigger than the sexy's and might fight with them or eat them when they shed. I guess I'll stick with shrimps their size like the bumble-bee and anemone shrimp.
The pistol, or the peppermint should be fine with the sexy shrimp. I haven't had this particular pistol shrimp, but I've had a couple others. Be prepared to never really see them. If you're lucky they'll make their burrow someplace where you can see part of it, or maybe have the opening near the front and you'll get a chance to glimpse them from time to time. But it's just as likely that they'll be under the liverock, and the opening will be behind everything, etc... Sometimes if they've got a partner fish, it's a bit more likely that you'll see them because the fish generally will want the opening near the base of the liverock but with a clear space in front for better feeding position.



New Member
That tank looks great at 2-3 months but the longevity of the system is definitely in quesiton. That clam is going to slowly die which is sad :( .