Active Member
Hey reefers,
Won't take but 4 seconds to vote....
I've been asked to endorse with my signature to the JBJ nanocube DX Hood at nanocustoms.com.
Each hood will carry this signature somewhere on the hood via a sticker or decal I don't know yet.
Reefers know me by mikeguerrero through all three websites I visit nanotank, nano-reef and reefcentral.
Should I endorse my full signature Michael Guerrero, or Mike Guerrero or just MG ?
Won't take but 4 seconds to vote....
I've been asked to endorse with my signature to the JBJ nanocube DX Hood at nanocustoms.com.
Each hood will carry this signature somewhere on the hood via a sticker or decal I don't know yet.
Reefers know me by mikeguerrero through all three websites I visit nanotank, nano-reef and reefcentral.
Should I endorse my full signature Michael Guerrero, or Mike Guerrero or just MG ?