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those pink pallies are the first ones you and jesse got from me - how are they doing for you??????? sorry to hear the others aren't doing so well. i can hook you up with some more of those pinks, reds, orange skirts, as well as some of my new ones but right now the weather is way to hot to think about shipping anyway.


New Member
Yeah dont worry we will trade soon cause guess what i have some true blues for you 2-4 polyps they are true blue with brownishred skirt and 2-3 lightblue zoas mauahahaha so lets wait until this weather get better and we will start sharing frags again lol... cause i have a frag of the torquois ones for you too mauahahah :lol:

Well the big pink pallies are doing wonderful i have 2 babies so far i see how they are growing little by little right now they look like normal zoas really cute :ma :mrgreen: and the orange ones mutated to brown with orangecrush neon spots mmm like a yellow orange mix really nite ill try to take a pic and other pinks .. :sad: looking really brown and ugly hope they get better but they open thats good and the other ones just faded away (redones)

P.S: Ill try to have some pics of your future frags this next week .. muahaha so you get impatient and anxious... :no: mauahahahah...


New Member
For some reason the first photo seems a bit odd. I can't put my finger on it. The second photo looks GREAT. I think maybe the first photo is too sharp? Does that make sense?


tim i know what you mean that first almost looks fake, photoshopped, but its not - those colors are pretty true, note the purple coraline and the white rock - i cropped, resized and sharpened a little bit - thats it...... maybe i did sharpen a little too much???? but realize those are whats left of my zoas - i only kept the very best!
and yea i think that 2nd pic may be my best ever :) its my new background.
ed yea i think we can do an awesome trade i'll have dragons, amegedons, and those sweet flourescent greens (my favs) as well as anything else you see! your new ones are doing fine but TINY. some are so small i still can't tell what color they are!


New Member
OK HERE ARE the teaser pics of the frags J&D .. also the pics below dont show the blues im sending you cause they still recovering is a tiny frag of 3 polyps so far only open after fragin so hopefully the others will open soon... so there you go so far i have this 4 frags for you! muahahaha i dont know if i could wait i think after everything is full recovered im gonna ship and then you can ship mine whenever... (you know me) mauahahah :langle




those are really nice alright but thats OK ed; two can play that game - i started on your frags this morning - i'll get a pic up next week some time. i've got 5 BEAUTIES picked out for you - they're small but by the time the weather cools a bit they'll be recovered and ready to ship :razz:


OK new question - i've gotten a little better at taking macros but when it comes to FTS's i still can't capture true color - note the zoas in the foreground don't look "too bad" but all the SPS's and anything in the background look blaaa....... i lose all the blue, purple and even the bright greens that will show up in a macro but not is these shots - it all just looks brown - any suggestions???