reefman23 said:
Nice tank, Pirate. The frameless look is great. Good job. Are you another member comin over to our side? Just curious.
Thanks. While it is framelss now, My plan is to put it in a DIY cabinet and have the tank only viewable from the front. Want to hide all of the stuff that will be going on externally and have a clean look inside (minimal amount of plumbing, etc). It will be a little tank with big tank features. Sump, closed loop, etc.
No, I am new to any type of serious nano effort, so I didn't come over from the "dark side." :anxious I had a nice 75 that I lost in Hurricane Rita and I am replacing that with a 140 ( ). I am having to wait on some custom built components for that system and decided to start a nano project to keep me occupied whiled I was waiting. I am interested in nanos and wanted to do one without retrofitting an existing tank.
aromano said:
What a nice professional job PiratesReef. I love your tank with all these holes for a well distributed water flow.
Good luck finalizing the project, it's coming along very nicely, and thx for sharing, these great shots.
Thanks. My main goal was to have a clean look inside. No power heads, plumbing, etc. While I was at it, I decided to add a closed loop. Hopefully, all that will be visible will be the bulkheads and a small overflow. If I can figure out a viable method of hiding those, I may do that also.
EDGRAY said:
really nice setup and :welcome aboard...