Bubble gum pico

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New Member
sorry it took so long to get back to you on this ...I revamped the whole pico ...I took out the sand an used an expoxy to mix the sand in so that it is now a barebottom non barebottom tank it looks like there is sand in it but it is "solid" as a rock and like a a sealed bottom ......... I hope that this will prove to be a good method of bottom and will post pictures as soon as it is cleared and up and running fully functioning :mrgreen:


hey saddie - thats awesome - i don't check the pico section very often, so i missed this......... but that is really cool..... what are the tank dimentions? what type of epoxy did you use for the gravel?

i would put a 400 W MH pendent on there with those tangs and see if you could get some acro to grow ;)


New Member
I just got a 2 part epoxy at walmart in the craft dept its called "acrylic water"
it is 5 bucks for the mix , it is in a green box I have been working on revamping it and getting equipment for it so far it is up but not yet functional ...... :mrgreen:
I tried the MH but the lid wouldnt close so I may try something a bit diffrent :roll:
The tangs may be getting a bit to big to put in there so I may need to look for a smaller tang this week end :lol:


New Member
Update on the Bubble Gum Pico
as for right now the Bubble Gum Pico is no more
I have a ton of other things to deal with right now and that is not one of em I hope to reestablish it later down the road but for now I have many things on my plate that take presidence to the pico I have still have the 2.5 and the 7 gmb but for now that is a back burner project :mrgreen:


New Member
OHHHH so sad to hear about it....bye bye bubblegum pico :cry: but hey u still have the other tanks :mrgreen:
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