Brown stuff


New Member
Theres brown crap all over my rocks and sand. I have used red slide remover but it isnt working... please help, its taking over



New Member
Are you running any carbon?
If so that would be why the chemi-clean isn't working.

Are you sure thats cyanobacteria? Is it slimy and come off in "sheets"?


New Member
What are your params? in particular nitrates/phosphates?

This isnt uncommon for a 2 month old tank either.


New Member
Water change IMO...high nutrients in the water. Pull as much of it out as you can. Also, mabye get another powerhead in there down low to keep good water movement/circulation.


New Member
Here is a tip that was given to me when I began the hobby and I practiced it as well as a couple of people I know...

At 2 months old, you have plenty of bacteria built up in the LR and LS. So at around this point it can be beneficail to do almost a total water change. Change out about 90% of the water. Oviously, make sure the temps and salinity are the same, but I think this will benefit your tank. Just my opinion though.

When you say your params are good, what exactly are you testing for?



New Member
looks like diatomic algae to me. check your water parameters and if all is good, leave it alone, it will flake away in a week or so. add some hermits if it's annoying you now.