brain feeding


New Member
just wondering about feeding this guy?
how should i feed him?
what should i feed?
got it from my buddy and it was dieing off slowly. since ive had it, it has recovered about half mybe less. sometimes it doesnt look so good and sometimes it does. honestly i didnt think it was going to make it. it seems to do better on the bottom and in a low current spot. i really havent done any research, was hoping somebody had some insight on my situation. any info would help. thanks



New Member
I dont have one like that, but I do have a open brain (pink) and leave mine on the sandbed, has low to moderate flow. I feed it cyclopeeze every now and then. It does fine and also eats whatever it catches as nutrients in the water. Seems very hardy to me, so perhaps yours will be fine as long as you have good water quality, good lighting, and flow. You can read more about it at


New Member
Most brains like meaty foods. Target feeding cyclopeeze, mysis, enriched brine, etc... would be a good idea.



New Member
well last night i drank a three liter of pepsi, so that i could cut the top off and use it for a hood to target feed my brain.wasnt the smartest thing ive ever done :oops:
after i was done i stuck it in the tank and poured alittle cycloeez and some mysis down the tube. to my surrprize it worked great.all the extra food spread all over when i lifted the hood out of the tank.

i hope my brains happy :lol: :lol3:


New Member
Yep the hood method works great if your aquascaping allows it. Somehow I've never really managed it. I target feed with a turkey baster. Another method I like, (but haven't really done much of), is using a syringe connected to some flexible and rigid airline tubing. It allows you to be very specific in your target feeding. Anything larger than mysis generally won't work with this method.



New Member
should i be feeding him alittle of each food or should i alternate? i have cycloezz,mysis,brine,and krill.i also use phytoplanton and zooplanton liqiud.