Book Recommendations


New Member
One of the most important item to have in the aquarium hobby is a book (or 2 or 6) The more the better. There are some books that I've come across which I thought were pretty good and figured I'd recommend em.

The Reef Aquarium vol 1 &2 - Delbeek and Sprung
The Modern Reef Aquarium vol 1-4 - Nilsen
Giant Clams - Daniel Knopp
Ultimate Marine Aquariums - Paletta
Clownfishes - Wilkenson
Aquarium Corals - Borneman

Flame Angel

New Member
Add to that list:

"Natural Reef Aquariums" - John H. Tullock
"Reef Secrets" - Alf Jacob Nilsen and Svein A. Fosså

They're both very excellent books, and both of which I own.


New Member
I'll have to check them out sometime

Also forgot to add The Conscientious Marine Aquarist. A good book for the beginner.


New Member
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