Bob the Tomato Clown


New Member
So about two weeks ago I got a long tentacle anemone. I didn't think my clown would host him but he has.

quick question. When I got him the owner picked him up with his hand and I asked him why he wasn't getting stung. He was difficult to understand as his English isn't wonderful but he said something about sand. When I got him home I put him in my tank with my hand and actually held him in place until he attached where I wanted him. (he's since moved.) I put him on the rock and I guess these guys like being in the sand bed. Anyone know why he's not stinging people?

The Kapenta Kid

New Member
Great pic! I suppose different species of anenome have different strengths of venom and people differ in thir reactions to it as well. But it would be interesting to hear from someone who really knows.


New Member
I was thinking that as well. I'm sure they do just as different jelly fish have different stings. These guys are pretty good together. Bob will aggravate him when the lights go out so he'll close up and hold him in tight for a cozy snuggly sleep. It's like a big hug I guess.