


hey Rbaby (or anyone else out there) those things are awesome! Have you been keeping blastos and acanths long?? I hear they are very hardy, need mod - low light and current but frequent feedings - Is that correct - I have never kept either and with the high price tag have been a little worried about trying them? acanths are suppose to be easy to frag too and I'm all about that.


Active Member

This is my thread and Rbaby has hijaked it, Just Kidden... She would be a good consultant since she has ventured into Blastos longer than me.... I just started but have heard that you may spot feed them, but you don't have to....

I do keep them in low light in my tank, close to the bottom with moderate flow... I've tried yumas in the past and regreted the fact they died within 1 week, just melted...

I'm trying them one more time in my SPS tank not my LPS tank to see if I have better results. They are next to my florida rics that I have had for 9 months...



New Member
Blastos should be fed just like acans--they are meat eaters. I feed mine cyclopeez and mysis once a week to make them fatten up good.

My biggest lesson and most expensive lesson learned was $200 hot pink yuma--one even brighter and more vibrant than Tigah's...and it melted. I found out that th emain reason why Yumas melt is because they are suppose to be in the "cold" side of specimens...around 75 degree water, so when you stick them in 80 degree water they melt.

The best way to create a rather "bulletproof" yuma, is to slowly acclimate them to warmer temperatures...once they get past that initial stage they'll be almost indestructible.

I've been collecting blastos for months now--but I avoid common morphs because I put a lot of time into collecting the morphs that I love and that are rare. Over time you will know what's rare or not...and no they don't require frequent feedings, they are also photosynthetic and I have them on my sandbed underneath 150w of halide lighting + 2x65w actinics.

And FYI Mike--based on blasto coloration, that orange is actually defined as red...looks red to me...I had something somewhat similar in coloration but the center was a bright teal, not green...I traded it out for a morph that was a little less common...I think Platinum Reefs is selling it now.


Active Member
Thanks for the compliment Sugar... Rbaby, I've been out of the light with your post, but can you clue me in with some links on your setup????

I'm dying to see your setup and how much power is behind you in lighting... Shoot me your links,,,,,


Rbaby, you are so correct about the Yuma. I spent $120 dollars on two gorgeous Yumas that came from my LFS show tank, which runs at 77 degrees into my tank that ran 83-84... It melted in 2 weeks, I was so bummed... However, since the purchase of my ICA I'm running 75-80 degrees and my Yuma is back in... I'm also trying it in my SPS tank...



New Member
Yeah I'll post it here on Nano Tank. Tigah plumbed it for me and planned everything, I just gave him my space restrictions LOL.

Just got my new blastos, love them! Look exactly as the picture...I don't have a chiller, my tank runs at 84 with only a 1 degree variation through a 24 hour period...I just have a fan blowing the air between the light and the tank.