Hello everybody, just wanted to share with you guys/gals my newest fish, or should I say, pair . I have purchased two black percs. They are a smoke or charcoal black color (not a dominant black, and you can still see a hint of orange mixed in....very nice), that goes good with the slight orange it has (which is a very light color). We have all seen the regular clownfish and how they have the orange and white, and most have seen the clowns that are completely black with bright orange, or even some clowns with spots of black around him. All of those are cool and all, but not as cool as the ones I found (IMO of course) I really haven't seen anybody with them, and have I seen them at any LFS, so I had to pick them up to share. Check them out. Here's a pic of when I had them drip acclimating. More pictures to follow, Enjoy!