Belligerent blenny


New Member
I bought a crocea clam two days ago and I was extremely happy with it, for the first day everything went fine and i placed the clam very close to the surface. It opened up really nicely but then the bicolor blenny I have started to nip at it. I knew this mite of happned when I bought the clam, because I know that most bicolors nip at clams, but i decided to take my chances and I could always get rid of the blenny. WRONG!!! I've been trying to catch the blenny the whole day and it is impossible, now as soon as I even open the lid he swims away and hides.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to catch the blenny or what I should do?


New Member
believe me I'm tempted to...
I made a small fish trap but he tries to peck at the sides to get the brine shrimp
I should probably make a trap with a clam in it, hell go for it forsure!


New Member
This is exactly how I got one of my croceas from Edgray... his bicolor was picking at the mantle. For him, it was easier to take the clam out than it was to catch the blenny.

Hope you can figure out a way to get the blenny out.


**edit** If this clam is under the stock lighting in the 12g cube, please rethink this. I know people are constantly debating the whole clams under PC lighting thing, but croceas cannot live a good life under those lights, and I also think you will have a hard time maintaining proper Ca, Alk, SG, temp etc in that tank.


New Member
i once caught a hard to catch fish by placing a glass in the tank and placing food in it. if i remember right it took like a week for him to get use to eating in there and then i quickly covered the end with a net
otherwise tear it down and get him out - may be a pain but otherwise you will lose the clam
good luck!


New Member
I finally caught the little guy, I made a fish trap by taking a water bottle, cutting the top half off and then placing the part that i cut off backwards into the bottom of the water bottle. I put some brine shrimp in their and caught the blenny within an hour. (I actually caught all 3 of my fish in the trap, works very well!!)

Clam is already opening up again, thanks guys