are RO/DI needed?


New Member
i was thinking about an RO/DI but there wayyyyy too expencive any other ideas or cheap places? and what should i worry about in my tap water, is there a way to get rid of it?


New Member
THe short answer is yes RO/DI water is necessary.
That doesn't mean you need an RO/DI unit. You can purchase the water at most LFS. Some grocery stores carry it, although you've got to read the labels closely. Distilled water is not the same as dionized water. The watermill things are RO water, which if they're serviced routinely will work fine, but some people have had problems with algae after using this water becasue the machine wasn't serviced regularly/correctly.

You're likely at the very least to have major algae probems if you use tap water. declorinator takes out chlorine, but there are lots of other things that municipalities add to drinking water that is good for us, but not for a reef tank, and dechlorinator won't catch all of them.



New Member
I'd suggest you do a simple search for RO water or DI water on the site utilizing the seach function at the top of the page. There are lots of articles that discuss the above mentioned topic.


New Member
drty... does it work?
i mean do you use this thingy and it works just fine or is it just the cheap option that almost doesnt work at all :?: :?: :?:


New Member
I know some folks that have these for emergencies. They work fine, but that 'average 25-125g' can make this a much more expensive option than just buying an RO/DI unit. Usually for a nano the best solution is just to get both fresh and saltwater from your LFS.



New Member
my shop place is like a good 45 minutes away, and i want somthing cheap and compact because i dont have much room anyway sugetions?
oh, and i like live right off the coast on sothern calafornia,about a five minute walk, would it be safe to use that water, or better ideas?
and if it is safe, should i clean it in anyway?(lots of seaweed in the water)
hah and one other thing....... in so-cal its cold water,so whats your opinion?
Please help me all you "pros" :) :shock:


New Member
Dude, buy three 5g gas/water containers. One for salt, two for RO. For your normal nano, this is enough water for a month. Driving an hour and a half both ways once a month is nothing.



New Member
kk.......... but if i have the beach is it safe to use? or do i need to filter it?
and is this RO/DI filter ok?


New Member
Open listen to Incysor
NO you can not use that to filter the salt water , if driving that far is a big issue then maybe you should rethink having a nano it is a big responsibility . To answer another of your questions the reason people are nailing you so to speak is you dont take their advice you keep asking the same question till you hear what you want to hear . Sit down take a deep breath read read and read and once you think you can read no more read some more then ask questions . I know you are only 13 but you are making yourself look like a DORK!! And making people mad by yourself they are hear to help but you are getting repettive in your questions! :roll: :nice

Master Er

New Member
In regards to your initial mentioned before that you read some stuff about cycling...I am positively sure that the book you read has mentioned some stuff about using RO/DI compared to tap water and ocean water....I have 4 different books and all mention it. Maybe by reading your book over, it would refresh you memory and give you some light on how to start off. All it takes is a little effort in teaching ones self....dont you think so? When you've truly decided, I'm sure everyone is all ears and rearing to help you through the hobby. Patience and understanding is the key.


New Member
no but you SAID that i needed a ro/di filter so do you have suggestions? the filter i just showed is a ro/di filter
wat is wrong with it? wat do i want in a filter


New Member
I'd say drop that idea and go with the idea incysor gave. It just seems simpler, and time saving. The LFS I go to, is about 30 minutes away from me, but I get water like once a month. It's not even a big deal for me. I have a 6 gallon and a 12 gallon that is my girlfriends. I can't complain, and 30 minutes to me is nothing, being I come out of that shop with fresh RO water and fresh catalina water :) Best of luck you.


New Member
the thing is im all for that idea..... but where would i put the water? and wouldent the water evaporate?


New Member
This is never ending.

Sorry everyone and thanks to all who tried to help this kid. It is over...
