Anyone have experience with sponges?


New Member
I recently aquired a beautiful chunk of Blue Sponge. It is a very pretty blue purple color, and it shaped very neat with holes and arches and such. It was attached to a small rock, but as I was trying to figure out where to stick him, the rock came off. Now I just sorta lightly wedged him in some crevices in my rockwork.

Whats the good, bad, and the ugly with this stuff? I have a much smaller bright orange sponge on some live rock I collected in the keys, that is doing great, with no problems. This about 4 inches by 3 in sponge.

What is recommended to feed this guy? Will frozen Cyclops work and live Brine shrimp?

What does it look like if its dying?

Thanks in advance...



Staff member
I don't know alot about sponges but here is what I do know. You have to keep them submerged at all times, if they are exposed to air for even a few seconds air will become trapped in their cells and cause them to die. They are filter feeders but I think cyclopeeze is a bit big for them to eat, one of the liquid foods for inverts would be more suitable. I am not sure but I think they begin to turn black when they die, or maybe its that they darken. You should see some kind of color change at any rate.


New Member
Everything Skip mention is true to what I have experienced with sponges. I did have a sponge that got caught up with micro bubbles but instead of it turning colors it just sort of crumbled. Keeping it fully submersed is very important!