Has anyone given any thought to holding another chat? One thing that may make it more accessable to all would be to hold it on a sunday afternoon so all of the time zones won't be a factor.
It is available anytime, we just need to set a time and date along with a topic and then get others to show up. I think a weekend chat would be best that way we don't have the time difference making things difficult.
Yeah, the chat is basically open any time and I invite anyone to set up a topic and post it here. All we need is a time and topic and we are set to go. I jump in to the chatroom a few times a day just to see who is there and say hello. Its a really nice chatroom and I urge everyone to check it out and play around with all the options.
Dragon79 usually heads up our chat discussions. Maybe he can chime in here and let us know his thoughts on the next orgainized nanochat...
Hey dj i just wanted to say that alot people pm each other alot being online so....why they dont use the chat... like one day we did it with jessy i told him instead of pm pm pm lets meet on the chat that's why is there for and we got a great time sharing links and all that and he told me that that option never cross his mind :lol: :lol: anyways great thing to have is really handy...