Another Newbie lighting question ...enough for SPS and LPS?


New Member
I am new to reef tanks and I am trying to determine what I am able to keep in my tank based on my lighting. I am running a 12 gallon JBJ Nano Cube with 76 watts of PC lighting (3 50/50 bulbs). I know the watts per gallon rule isn't the best method for measuring what can be kept in a reef tank, so I was hoping that a more experience reef keeper could help me out. My tank is 15 inches deep, with 2 inch sand bed, so with the raised lights, I would say the lowest point in my tank is about 15-17 inches down. With this amount of light, am I able to keep any hard corals, and if so, what are the best types that would fit my tank lighting. Thanks for the help.



New Member
Actually the lowest point is only about 12 inches deep...should have measured before posting.


Active Member
You can certainly place many types of LPS corals without a doubt. These include plates, frog spawns, hammers, candy canes, just make sure you get small frags since they expand and will sting each other.

With SPS you should have just a little more light, maybe up to 92 watts and you should try digitatas or a birdsnest. The bright colored ones are hard to keep and should not be introduced into your tank, such as the Acros.

They do best only under MH....

Hope this sheds some light...



New Member
Thanks for the information. If you dont mind me asking, did you put the 102 watts in your nano cube, or was it done by nano customs? I put a retrofit kit in my cube by myself. I would like to increase my lighting even more, but I don't know that I could squeeze any more lights in. Thanks again for your help.


New Member
NY11 said:
Thanks for the information. If you dont mind me asking, did you put the 102 watts in your nano cube, or was it done by nano customs? I put a retrofit kit in my cube by myself. I would like to increase my lighting even more, but I don't know that I could squeeze any more lights in. Thanks again for your help.
I can answer this one......mike's lighting was modded by nanocustoms. Your best bet of having it done professionally is having nanocustoms do it. looks real flush.


New Member
I'd heard that monti plates are one of the less demanding SPS, at least light wise. I think they might work out well for you under your lights.



New Member
Late, but oh well

Man, I am late on this one.

Monti sp. sps corals should do fine in the tank.
Acro sp. is out of the question.

All LPS should be fine, like the other people say, watch for those sweepers though.