

New Member
i was thinking about adding a anenome to my nano tank
what do you guys suggest would be a good canidate??
i was thinking about the bubble tip?
what you guys think?
is there one anenome that is more hardy and easier to keep than others?


New Member
Anemones are pretty poor candidates for nanos.

Bubbles aren't as light needy as some other species but they still need a pretty good amount. As Mike mentioned all anemones will wander if they're not happy. Bubbles wander more than any other type I've tried. They can sting stuff in the process. All anemones if healthy will outgrow a nano. One of my favorite stores in Austin has a 30g oceanic cube with a MH pendant over the top of it, and there is a RBTA that's taking up 3/4 of it. I have a friend that did a custom 18g cube that got an electric green carpet that was about 6 inches across. He had to sell it 5 months later because it had grown enough that it took up half of the tank, and had eaten 2 fish that didn't have space to keep away from it. If you're simply determined I'd try a small bubble tip, whether it's a rose or green. They seem to be a bit hardier than several other species.

Good luck.



very good responses guys but I'm going to be less political and more blundt. If you have an anemone - you can't have any corals. Anemones and corals do not mix period - someone will lose in the end and this is especially true in small tanks. And given the poor survivability rate of anemones in general it isn't worth the risk.