amf82380's 5.5 g nano


New Member
The tank is still in the making The only content right now are two turbo snails and a blue legged hermitt Had a percula clown but he has since passed on thinking about getting a blue velvet Damsel I have A button polyp frag and a blue mushroom frag that I am working on trying to get to take and grow but not sure if their going to make it or not thinking about getting some established coral to put in there.


New Member
Nice looking tank. Couple questions...what kind of lighting is that? How many watts? Is that LR or dead rock? How long has it been set up?



New Member
Looks like a good start, but I would like to hear more details on the set up. Is that a canister filter you are running. The rock looks a little big for that tank, you might have to take it out and hit it with a hammer....

Welcome aboard!!!


Staff member
:welcome to nanotank.

The LR does look a little big but I kinda like the look. I see quite a few places where you could place some corals and when it gets filled in it is going to look good. I also like the fact that you kept the rock off of the back wall of the tank.


New Member
hitting it with a hammer is fun... i was scared at first but it ended up being a ton of fun.. and created tons of pieces to attach frags to...


New Member
Info on Setup: Lighting is a coral life PC ( I think it is a 9 or 18 w) Its the nine inch one with one atinic and one 10,000k bulb.

Tank: Standard 5.5gal glass tank

Filter: aquapro 4000 canister filter

Heater: gernaric 25w

Substrate: Marine Sand with about one lb of live sand to seed it

about 5lbs of live rock

New additons: A aquaclear 70 HOB filter converted into a refuigm

Thank you to all for your compliments I am running into some problems with the tank though I have gone thru about 4 blue mushroom frags because when I get them there unmounted to anything anf I have tried the super glue thing and it stays stuck for a little while but it doesnt make it over night then ends up getting sucked up into the filter and the only other coral I have in there is a button polyp but I think he was toast when I got him because I have yet to seem him open so I am not sure about what to do about that and I also thought about adding a fish but no matter how many water changes I do I cant seem to bring my nitrate and nitrite levels down to 0 and I know the min I add a fish that is going to go thru the roof in a tank that size. So I am stumped in those 2 areas. So any suggestions you guys can offer would be great. Thank you once again!


New Member
I like the suggestion of breaking up the LR a little...and you may want to bump up the lighting to get more watts. 18watts isnt that much..JMHO.



Staff member
If your nitrIte levels are not at zero then one of your problems with the polyps is that you have not completed your cycle, ammonia and nitrite levels will be zero when your cycle is complete.
The light you have has 2 9 watt bulbs and as Jesse said it isn't alot of light but should work for low light corals like polyps and mushrooms.


New Member
Use a shot glass or something like it
break up some live rock place the shroom in the shot glass
with the rubble on the bottom of the glass place in a lower flow area they
should attach in a few days HTH :mrgreen:
Welcome to nanotank


New Member
Tank Update!

I dont know what changed over night but the polyp is doing quite well today it opened for the first time since I had gotten it (Didnt think it was ever going to happen :strip ) Water is crystal clear and I am going to get another one of those same exacet lights so it will go from 18w to 36w also there are some updated pics of the new stand I built for the tank which you will be able to tell from the pics is still under construction I am thinking about building a top section for the 5.5g and getting a 24-29g for under neather for a fish only or a fish reef set up still in the planning stages of that if I do that I will end up putting a metal halide under the shelf for the bigger tank not sure yet though.
thank you for the shot glass idea sadielynn I will have to try that because not I am up to 4 MIA mushrooms. anyway enjoy the pics and thank you for the info more to come as I keep inproving.