New Member
Hey everyone. I've had a 12g nano for almost a year now, and its basically just been an empty pocket. I don't really have the funds to put all what I want into it, but everything I put into it, doesn't seem to last. I have about 7lbs of live rock, handful of blue-leg hermits, and a couple snails. I used to have a bi-color spottyback, a few turbos, and a bubbletip, but they're all dead and gone. I've tried adding various polyps, and they maybe last a week each. I'm getting fed up with it, but I don't want to quit. My nitrates and phosphates are low, I do regular water changes. I have a protein skimmer constantly running, water temp is at 76*, and I do 20% water changes bi-weekly, sometimes weekly. I had coraline algae covering a lot of areas, but green algae took over and killed it, turning it white. I am constantly battling the green algae on the substrate, everyday turning it over. PLEASE help me before I lose my mind! Appreciate any advice!