Algae Blennies


New Member
I was looking at some fish for my new tank and I saw algae blennies. I really liked them and they would help out with algae in the tank. I was reading about them and it said there should only be 1 blenny in a tank. Is that true? Personally, I like to have at least 2 of each species in a tank so they don't get lonely. But if they're going to fight then I'll just stick with one.


New Member
They wont get lonely.

If I recall they should also be housed in large tank... how big is your tank? And if your tank is less than a couple of months old, let it just run its course. You will be amazed at want can happen when you just allow time to do its thing.




New Member
if your talking the "algae blennie/sailfin blennie" definitly just one - watch at the pet store if they have two in tanks next to each other they will even try to fight through the glass! and as jesse said even though they are a smallish fish they really need a bigger tank, but you MAY be able to have one in a 24??? they will not in general eat hair algae if thats what your hoping for though- they tend to only eat diatoms - mine constantly kisses the glass and probably barely gets enough to eat in my 125