AIPTASIA & DIGITATE HYDROIDS (ok i posted some pics)


New Member
HI, i just ID some stuff that i have in my tank and i dont know how to get rid of them ( and also CYANOBACTERIA and DINOFLAGELLATES )i only read that the aka bubble you should take it out so i did but not sure if is gonna get back and the aiptasia with joes juice so this question is for dragon79 steve were did you get that joes juice can i find it in tongs or the only way to get it is online...... anyways please help... i need solutions to get rid of this stuffs and about the digitate hydroids looks like it but i just see a drawing no a picture so i guess is that but ill try to take some pics and ill post them tomorrow... but mean while help....


New Member
Joe's Juice I got at Pacific Reef. There is a costa mesa location for that place too. I know Tong's has it as well.

Ed, start postin' up some pics so we can start indentifying these problems you are getting.


Staff member
You really don't have to worry about hydroids unless you are keeping dwarf seahorses or breeding fish. They are a type of jellyfish (or at least in the same family, I'm not quite sure which). Skip


New Member
Ed, the Joe's Juice worked really well for my tanks.
I had an aiptasia invasion a couple of months ago and now it's all gone.
Make sure to turn off your pump, carefully get really close to the anemone, so it won't retract and squirt it w/ the juice. Turn your pump back on and you might want to clean the excess of juice on the rocks w/ a tooth brush.

As far as the cyanobacteria, it's definitely too many dissolved organic compounds in the water that's feeding the bacteria. Make sure you are not over feeding, that your sponges are cleaned and do your weekly water changes religiously until you can get rid of the problem.


New Member
For the cyano...

get some chemipure, works great

Check your phosphate and do some water changes.


New Member
OK Here are some pics of the thing that is in my rock and i have a large part of my rock with this thing( i think is DIGITATE HYDROIDS i'm right or not how to get rid of it ... its bad for my reef and fish).. water test yesterday NITRATE 10 , NITRITE 0,PH 8.0 GRAVITY 1.022... TEMPERATURE 80.2

and also i have some red algie growing in my tank but i could take a good pic... and the green algie is like crazy can someone tell me what to get so i have a green algie eater in my tank i have now blue legs and scarlet well you can check in my signature what i have.... water changes every week...



New Member
they look like mini dusters....could be wrong though. if that is what it is perfectly fine for your tank, just a filter feeder.


Staff member
I also have to agree, thats what they look like to me as well. Like I mentioned before though AFAIK hydroids are only a concern for tanks housing fry or dwarf seahorses. HTH, Skip


New Member
thx for the info.. well if everyone agrees is ok cause to me looks really weard and not alike to a feather duster but if they are good so i have more filter feeders .... :lol: :lol: .... thx for the help like always guys .... :oops:


New Member
They look more like hydroids to me than mini feather dusters, but hydroids usually aren't an issue unless you're trying to keep seahorses.
