New Member
LATELY I been taking some sand cause of the black slime algea that is in my sand so i was wondering can i add new live sand to my main tank (to replace the littles that i been taking out)or should i wash the new sand bed with the dirty water of my water change and then slowly put it to the tank so doesnt disturb anything or will create a nitrate spike or something or any ideas.


New Member
I would think that you could add it as long as you dont add alot at a time just a small ammount at a time. You may still get diatom blooms if you add it . I have added to ours and only added about a 1/2 of a small dixie cup (3 ounce) at a time , 1 or 2 times aweek...maybe some others can give you input... :mrgreen:


New Member
Just as Sadie said. As long as you add alittle at a time you will be ok. By adding alot at one time, you're likely to upset the balance that you are trying to maintain.


Staff member
I agree if you are talking about bagged live sand, if you are talking about the real live sand that has inverts and all in it then you may trigger a small cycle. In either case I wouldn't add any more than enough to barely cover the exsisting sandbed at once (<1/4") if that much. JMO, Skip