Adding LR to an Established system


New Member
I am just wondering what steps have to be taken to add live rock to an established system. I have some empty spots i want to fill up but cant seem to find much creditable information on doing so... and i would like to avoid killing my system.

SO i rather be safe then sorry and just ask what the steps are. Thanks guys


New Member
72 gallon bowfront and i want to add about another 30 lbs or so. If you look at the pictures in my thread it still looks a bit empty. I would do it over a period of time just wanted to know how to go about it


New Member
I've just added about 15 lbs of LR to my 60 that has been up for a few months now and didn't notice anything negative. I think if you spread it out over time you should be fine.


New Member
Well im asking because i would buy live rock from an established tank to put into my tank... so would i just drip it to acclimate it as you would do anything else or just throw it in?


New Member
well i would save a bucket of saltwater from your water change and use it to clean your new rock off before you GENTLY throw it in. :mrgreen: i shake the rock in the water and also gently use a bush to scrub it to get the loose stuff off and then shake again. maybe youll want to have acouple buckets handy if your doing alot of rock. i do this just as a precautionary measure. HTH


New Member
i would def do what drty suggested - even if coming from an established tank does not mean you want have bubble algae, aptatia, crabs or some other pest that is far easier to get rid of before you put it in your tank then after
i scrub, search, and rinse all rock going in my tank - several times over a period of time - i would even cook it in the dark as i have described to many people on this sight before. too many times over the years i have gotten unwanteds on rock to make that mistake again


New Member
So the added benefits from maybe having polyps or crabs or urchins and all the beneficial hitchhikers would be lost then, right? I haven't had any trouble with my LR and have quite enjoyed all the little presents. i guess it totally depends on where you purchase it from and what risks you are willing to take. It makes sense that you wouldn't want to take risks with your very established tank as you probably don't care about the hitchhikers anymore. That's valuable information and something I obviously haven't thought about. :)