added light now one coral not opening


New Member
I added a 96w coral life light to my 10g nano and all my corals and fish and such love it except seems to be this one particual coral it was opening beauitfuly until I added the light I was wondering if anyone knows the specifics of this one coral like what it likes and doesnt like I am not sure what the name of it is so I am attaching a picture to help Identify it. all my water par are in the normal range they have been about the same since I started the tank so I dont think that could be it.



New Member
Corals take time to adjust to any changes in lighting especially when you go from a weaker source to a stronger source of light this can also happen if you change the bulbs out from old to new as well no worries here , give it time .Another thing to cosider is to adapt and adjust times that they are exposed to the light , this should help you out . Worry not give it time and all should be ok for you .................... :mrgreen: