A New Beginning - 20 Cube


New Member
well guys its time to start something new. I miss my nano, so i decided to start something back up again. Going to go all out on this one. Going to be stocked with mainly LPS, some softies, zoos, mushrooms and rics.

The tank is a 20 gallon cube. Roughly 17" x17"x 17", I have drilled 3 holes on the bottem (2 drain, 1 return) The drain holes are 1.5" and i used male and female pvc coupling to make the bulkheads (Only one drain will be in use, the other is a back up. More on that when i get the plumbing done) The return is a 1" bulkhead that i had sitting around. I have some Smoked acrylic that im going to be making the overflow walls with. I was planning on painting them with krylon fusion to make them black. This should be fine correct? I have seen people use krylon on things that go into their tanks.

Lighting Is the Clip on coralife 150 watt, with a 14000k Phenix bulb. The fixture is pretty much the reason a tank is being born. I bought it because one of the adjusting points cracked and the person was selling for $120 with the new bulb. Brought it home and fixed it right away :).

Sump will either be a replica tank of the display that i will section off into skimmer compartment, Fuge, and Return. The other option is acrylic as i have a 4 x8 sheet of 1/4" in the garage, just dont have the weld on for it.

My skimmer options are as such, DIY skimmer using and old berlin skimmer (chop it up)... my idea with this is to mesh mod a maxi jet 1200 or 2 900's and build the skimmer in the form of a BK mini. If this route does not work then most likely a Remora nano or Remora will be the skimmer. Maybe even a coralife 65 might do ( well see)

As for water movement and return, i have not as of yet decided on a return pump. I have a pump that does 650 gph at 0 head and the distance from the pump to tank will probally be around 3 feet or so. Of course i can always put a valve to regulate flow. My other idea concerning this is to tee off my return and feed my Fuge with some of the return water. The return will run into a SWCD that will sit in my overflow as i dont want to many holes in the bottom of the tank. My idea with this is to have 4 out lets into the main tank, 2 on the right and 2 on the left.

Im going to be building the stand shortly and hopefully get the plumbing done soon after.

Sorry about the long read. I just want to get everything down this time and make this set up a great one. PLease comment on my plans or pitch in your input and advice concerning any of the aspects of this to be set up.

And of course.... pictures :p



New Member
Hey guys,

@ reefman... i am actually not sure. I bought 4 of them off someone and they all looked very well built but have no branding on them.

Well made some progress i suppose. Got my stand built and test fitted the tank's drains on the stand. Had to make some tweaks but just the way i had planned none the less.

Specs on the stand are 17.5" x 17.5" x 32", giving me a total height of 49" to the top of the tank. Tomorrow i will be painting the inner stand either black or white ( have to see what i have laying around) then i will urethane it over to protect the wood. The outside of the stand is going to be covered in maple veneer plywood, then stained.

I tried to maximized space under my stand to allow a sump that will have the dimensions of 17" x 11" x 14" (roughly 11 gallons) the fuge will sit on top and be fed with pump run off, then drain back into the sump. The sump will be roughly 11"x 8" x 10" (3 gallons).

I hope to start on the overflow wall and the sump tomorrow if i can find some weld on for the acrylic.

One question to you guys... how much can i dial back my return pump that it does not begin to ruin it. The pump does 660 GPH at 0 head. Its about 30" to the bottom of the tank. Once i tee it off into my fuge and put 100 - 200 gph through that i should be fine in my display... correct? (20 gallon tank at 20x turn over = 400gph)

Picture update.



New Member
Filtration will be -

Wetwrox recirc skimmer or chopped up berlin into BK mini skimmer or remora nano if all else fails.

DIY acrylic phosban reactor
DIY acrylic Carbon reactor
3g fuge with cheato/LR

Got to find a good diy ATO, haven't really looked anything up. WIll probally make some type of tank to hold my ato water under my stand.

This is the door to the stand.

the middle will be eggcrate painted black... all sides will be like this to allow air flow.

Oh well i hope to get a lot more done tomorrow.

I might as well post a set back that i encountered. I cut my acrylic into all the pieces i needed and routed all the edges nice and everything.. i had a couple extra scraps that i was using to practice with and for some reason the bonds were not sticking. Nothing was holding. Find out that the stuff i had laying around that i used was LEXAN not Acrylic. Lexan takes a 2 part epoxy to bond it to itself. BUT... you can use methlene chloride to bond LEXAN to ACRYLIC :S ya you think im crazy right. Try and snap the bond it made. Oh well i simply built up the lexan sump and used 1/4" x 1/4" acrylic in the corners to make the bond. Looks like its working but only time and water will tell. If all else fails i will just buy a sheet of 1/4" and make a few things.