8 Gallon Biocube!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sweet!!!!!


New Member
So here it is, Been about a month now. Everything has been great!! Really proud of the rock I found!!! So about 10lbs of LR (7 up front 3 in the rear chambers), 16lbs of LS. So far I have a couple blue Hermits, A coral banded shrimp (soon to be gone!!), and a couple of turbo snails. And a ocellaris named sushi!!!!

Tomorrow going to buy some new corals to add some color!!! :banadance: :banadance:
Here are some pics::



New Member
They seeem to be happy in there. Munching away. So far they haven't knocked anything over. I just added a conch, a candy cane, a pipe organ, and a rock with zoa's and yellow polyps.



New Member
I dont think a conch will make it in a tank that small. I like the markings on your clown, his misbar is pretty unique.


little urchin

New Member
conchs need a large area of sandbed to scavenge or they can starve....i had one and used to suppliment his diet with nori seaweed sheets which he loved (eventually he fell off the rockwork and got stuck upside down when i was at work....my hermits got him!!)


New Member
So the conch didn't make it :iill I have ousted the coral banded in place for a peppermint. I picked up a pulsating xenias and a toadstool. I put the canes back into the 2.5 gallon, they seemed to be happier there. I have also completed the fuge in the back chamber. So far everythings goin good.....i think?? :moonin