New Member
skipm said:
Eddy, If you check out the second post Sadie already asked the same question and she answered that it was too early and she hadn't had her Starbucks (her coffee) yet. They are just picking on you the same way. No hard feelings, we are just poking fun.
yeah know i get it :lol: :lol: :lol:.. i shouldnt smoke that shet..... :lol3:


New Member
Ok I just finished all my final edge banding and staining, just put a coat of polyurethane on and thought I might show you guys the progress thus far, as far as whats left for me to do, I am still waiting on some fans for the top and when I get those I will wire them in along with the lighting, but as far as the base goes it is done and I am just going to lacker it a couple more times....well here are some pics

Once i get the fans installed and the lights running I will post with more of the final pics.....THanks :pcp:


Staff member
I thought about this project saturday when I had to do some edge banding for a friends for a shelf for his fathers TV. It really came out nice.


New Member
thanks, I think it turned out pretty good to, now if I could just get those fans somtime soon ill be able to move on to the next project .. lol :eek:rder


New Member
niiiiiiiiiiccccccceeeeeee..... i love the placement really cool looking and love the yellow yuma. nice 5.5 g...


Staff member
I really like having the tank near the computer so you have something to look at when you have to stretcg for a minute. Your tank turned out very nice.


New Member
Thanks Ed, yea its coming along, just have to start buying more corel..Yea Skipm I know what ya mean when I am sitting here workin on some homework it helps clear up the writers block lol and Thansk for the Kind words Lee.......cant wait to start putting some more into it...[/quote]


New Member
Very nice matches your furniture very nicely :mrgreen:
You should sell those you would make a mint on that :mrgreen:


New Member
Id love to Sadie, but I am a student lol and that one there took me a long time becasue I had to mix it in with homework and stuff lol and I dont think anybody who would pay for one would be willing to wait a month for somthing that should take 3-4 days tops lol :lol3: :lol3: :lol3:


New Member
Well I guess thats somthing to consider then, I do have the use of a full wood shop lol I guess I will just play this one by ear