
New Member
Just finished building a canopy/base for my 5.5, it is made from maple veneer ply and pine casing...... :gcool




All that I have left to do is install the fans, edge band the ply and stain/clear coat the wood, let me know whatcha think!


Staff member
It looks great and will be evenbetter when its edge banded. I notice in the pic of the bottom that there is no opening for lights or anything, are you going to do something different there?


New Member
I am not quite shure what ur asking, the lights will be installed directly inside the top,, there is no back so the wiring hangs out the back, the tank sits against the wall on my desk so no need for a 4th side, and I will be posting later with more pics :wlift


Looks good. Be sure to post more pics with the top on the tank.


Staff member
I think I figured out what I was asking about, in the second pic where you labeled it bottom I thought it was a pic of the bottom of the canopy but it appears to be a bottom or base for the tank to sit on. I appologize for any confusion.


New Member
no problem , I will be posting 2day with the edge band photos and the the fan photos pending they arrive in the mail, anyways ill keep ya posted


New Member
Great job! :shock: How much was materials if you don't mind me asking? I want to try building one out myself but I want to make sure my tank stands the test of time first... :mrgreen: No use of having a great looking prop when there's really nothing in the tank :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


New Member
really really nice base i love the detailed on the rims :shock: :shock: looks perfect just like that.... are you planing to paint it or to put any wood ward????


Staff member
Eddy, If you check out the second post Sadie already asked the same question and she answered that it was too early and she hadn't had her Starbucks (her coffee) yet. They are just picking on you the same way. No hard feelings, we are just poking fun.


New Member
Thanks everyone for the compliments, I edge banded the ply today now I am Kinda sitting on my hands becasue I am waiting for the fans to come in the mail, from an Ebat buy, anywyas I am going to be posting some pics later on this weekend, and in the meantime if its possible for someone to post some pics of their fan setups, I need help in deciding location/wiring, and a picture or two might just do it. As i said I will be posting later with lots of pics, and to answer the question regarding cost, the project all together including stain and varnish will likly cost 70$ canadian, but I had the wood from other projects, the only purchase I have made so far is the casing, which i paid 20$ for but i chose a more elaborate profile, for the budget builder out there, their is lots of more inexpensive casings...and agian thanks everybody for the kind words. :maitre