34 liter waratah anemone tank


New Member
So here's the tank to which I've consigned the Waratah anemone who hitchiked on a shell from my gold coast trip yesterday. There's nothing else in it except the crushed coral/sand, rocks and 3 empty trochus snail shells (I used dead ones to cycle the tank loooong ago). It's a relatively simple setup, the light is an 11W triphosphor 7100K/"marine blue" 14000K combo (compact fluoro so one tube is white and the other blue) - it's low lighting but the Waratah is non-photosynthetic so is more at risk of burn, and doesn't draw any benefit from intense lighting.

Tank was already well and truly cycled by the time I put him in there (had it standing on the bench cycling for the past 2 months), did a water change to deal with phosphates and nitrates though. Added some phosguard to the filter unit (typical hood setup with a spray bar in and a "sluice" out - just a row of holes) to keep phosphates down.

I'm not sure what to expect with this one - I'm aware it has "pest" status but only because it multiplies fast; otherwise it's a very attractive creature. I hope he multiplies, at any rate.


New Member
KoNP said:
I'm aware it has "pest" status but only because it multiplies fast; otherwise it's a very attractive creature. I hope he multiplies, at any rate.
Have never seen this before! Beautiful! I think "pest" is just a label, in this tank, you're right, should be very attractive! :)


New Member
drnsee said:
KoNP said:
I'm aware it has "pest" status but only because it multiplies fast; otherwise it's a very attractive creature. I hope he multiplies, at any rate.
Have never seen this before! Beautiful! I think "pest" is just a label, in this tank, you're right, should be very attractive! :)
Yeah, I've found many testimonials that say they go great with marine tanks, many that say they multiply out of control and choke everything else out. When I popped him in my main tank my clowns showed interest in him too, and apparently they can host them.

The exact species is Actinia tenebrosa. They're almost identical to Actinia equina - Beardlet anemone, which is the north-east atlantic variety. Apparently the only real difference from what I can find is the location, and a few very small molecular differences in their venoms. Some stores over there in the states apparently sell them - my variety is common to the south-eastern coast of Australia; should've seen how many there were, easily numbering in the hundreds along a short stretch of rock wall.

He's finished migrating to his rock, here's a pic of him extended all the way. He would appear to be only a juvenile as well.



New Member
chrismikea said:
WOW i want one if you are ever willing to ship them out
LOL where are you located? I'm not sure I could, I'd probably get busted for "collecting without a license", even though these particular anemones are in plague proportion all up and down the coastal areas here.