24 g. Nano Cube


New Member
Quick question. We just bought a 24g nano and it was leaking from the top. My husband bought some kind of sealant from the fish store. Do you think it'll work or did we just lose our money? We've had to do minor fixings on our previous aquarium, but not like this.


New Member
I would just return the nano and get a new one. Your LFS should be able to do a simple exchange and if they have stock then you should be able to walk home with it that day. Trying to do repairs may just void the warranty on the tank. Good luck and keep us posted.


New Member
Well, my husband did patch it up. We bought it from an individual on marshreef so we couldn't return it. It's not leaking anymore. Also, we wanted to put maybe a clam in it.
This is what we have:

24 gallon nano. (7 watts per gallon)
Kenya Trees
Green Polyps
Brown Polyps
Finger Leather
Mushroom Leather

Do you think we have enough lighting for it?
What else could we put in it? Corals are new to us. We just had fish only aquariums.


New Member
Lighting needs depend more on PAR than watts per gallon. Can you tell us what kind of lights you have? That will give us a better idea on what can be housed under them. Personally I wouldn't put a clam under anything other than metal halides or T5. I'm sure other people have and had success but that's just my choice (and no i don't have a clam...lol)

As for coral, you can probably keep most corals under power compacts at 7 watts/gallon, with the exception of SPS. The stoney coral need high light and high current flow to do well. You might even be able to get away with some LPS under the PC lights. I'm not an expert at lighting so maybe someone else can chime in and give their opinions. :D


New Member
I have to suggest NOT keeping a clam of any kind in a nanocube with only power compact lighting no matter how many PC you have. The reason being that the lumens/watt on PC is soooo low and they are very inefficient in that over half of the light emmitted doesnt even make it into the tank. I too would suggest a mH for that tank in order to keep a clam happy.

Also, there are lower light clams, but they get much larger than the light-loving maximas and croceas.

That being said, there is much more to keeping clams happy than just lighing. You would need to moniter at least your Ca and Alk, and you may also want to know what you pH is at during the day and night, and also not have much of a swing in temps or salinity.

I hope that helps.
