24 g fish stocking question


New Member
I was reading Igreen's Nano Fish guide, which says that in a 24g, I should be able to keep 3 to 5 fishies.

Do you think a jawfish, clownfish, firefish, and gramma would be OK in my tank? Or should I cut one out?


New Member
i would take out the gramma they are not very socialable. Also keep a eye on the firefish some are great for nanos others can be quite ggressive


New Member
^ +1 on gramma. I've not had one, but most things I've heard state they are quite aggressive. The firefish I've had (red firefish) were more aggressive with their own kind than with other fish.


New Member
You could build a fish only system and have a couple more small fish in than that but it depends what you want.

If you want a reef, the less fish the better. (because they foul the water)