12gal cube


New Member
hello i am new to this site (and the scene) . I have a problem I live in the UK and I cant find anywhere that sells nano cubes and every US website charges a silly amount to ship one. If anyone could send me a spec of a system of the same size I would be very grateful. Thank you for your time Chris : :


New Member
welcome to the site and the hobby wills,

i dont have a nano cube but i am running a ten gal all glass aquarium. just me personally, i think you have more opptions with the AGA over the cubes JMO. its all up to you and what you want...what size where you looking at? what kind of stuff do you want to keep? how much do you want to spend?



New Member
thanks for replying. I am looking for something around the 10-12gal mark because i don't have a lot of room and girlfriend wont let me have a big tank(but she got her kitten she wanted). I have around 200-250 to spend and i would like to keep low light inverts and a few easy fish. Thank you for your time. Chris


New Member
try checking out the equipment flea market thread....you might be able to find something in there. the only problem with that is what you get is set up the way someone else wanted it and not the way you might need or want it. you can do a ten gal AGA , 96w 20" corallife fixture, heater, aquaclear filter for under 200. then you can get live rock, live sand, saltwater....set it up let it cycle, and get the rest ...fish, clean up crew,ect...the rest is up to you buddy..


New Member
You might try this site out. It's UK based. Perhaps one of their sponsors carries the nano cube.


Personally I'd probably just go with a regular tank, but I kind of like planning and setting up my own filtration system.

Good luck,


Master Er

New Member
$200-250 or Pounds? If its your currency, thats close to $500...and that would be more than enough....unless prices there are doubled too.


New Member
hello. I have 200 pounds to spend but everything cost more over here because we pay more tax than you (17.5% is our tax). Thanks for the web address incysor . If i can't get hold of a cube I will have to make my own system.


New Member
I checked JBJ's website, and they don't have any UK dealers. There is one in Germany, and in Portugal. I don't know if they would be able to ship one to you cheaper than going through a US/Canadian company or not.

FWIW I checked to see what it would cost to ship a regular 12g nanocube $119 from premiumaquatics.com to London. For regular surface shipping it was $83, and would take 1-3 months. For the next bump up, which was quite a bit quicker, it was $145.

200 pounds = 345 USD.

So this might still be feasible since my shipping price quotes were in USD.

Here's the page for jbj dealers.



New Member
Yes that is on everything over here. a two tube T5 over tank unit (24inch long) is £150, that's 271 us. It cost a lot to keep fish over here. Thanks for your time looking things up for me. I think I am going to make my own system up. Thanks Chris i'll you posted.