12g Nano Tank (updated 4/15 with Pics)


New Member
This is just an update on what I have recently added to my tank. Sorry to dissappoint you but I have not taken any pictures because they're just settling in. But I do want to let you know what I have included in my tank to get some suggestions or would like to hear peoples experiences with the corals. Thanks.

-Candy Cane Coral
-Green Pipe Organ
-Brain Coral (Lobophillia)
-Lavender Hairy Mushroom
-Chocolate Pumpkin Zoa

For the torch and the frogspawn, I know that they are Aggressive and require to be placed on the bottom, but if any of you have these corals fill me in on the placements and the issues you have with them. I appreciate it alot.


New Member
MINE'S get really big my frogspawn has all the lower to medium right side of my tank and torch upper left side of the tank but cause of them i lose space for other corals cause you know they can be touching anything cause their sting is kinda stronge.


Candy Cane Coral - awesome corals don't need or want much flow or currentthe best beginner LPS by far!!!!!
-Green Pipe Organ - can be touchy many do not have luck with them but some do - i've never tried them??????
-Brain Coral (Lobophillia) another awesome coral - mod light best placed on the bottom in the sand but can be placed in rockwork - i have never seen sweepers just feeding tenticals can grow large fast and likes to be feed mysis shrimp once a week
-Frogspawn - nice coral but needs room 3" all around similar to other euphilids likes mod current and light
-Torch - very deadly and long sweeper tenicles not really a good choice for a nano IMO but at least you'll be able to frag it easily when it gets too big - leave 4 inches all around it mod current and light
-Lavender Hairy Mushroom -low light and flow and Chocolate Pumpkin Zoa high light and flow - both always good choices
good luck with your new inhabitants :)


New Member
Okay so I had luck in taking some pictures of the coral and not so great pic of the shrimp. Hope they are presentable enough.

Full Shot of the Tank so far..

Maybe this is better?

Bad picture of my pistol Shrimp, he is actually turning a color red. When I got him he was pasty white

Candy Coral. That's his temp. spot because I'm having a hard time finding a good spot for him to be perm.

Brain Coral



and my favorite, the Chocolate Pumpkin Zoa, even though the skirts are suppose to be brownish, it has dark green skirts.

As for the Pipe organ and the lavender mush, the pipe organ looks dreadful. I'll wait it out to see if he'll open up anytime this week, and the mushroom is under that green net in the tank, he came unattached, and I'm trying to secure him in that spot with a type of netting (thanks for the advice it helped out alot).


New Member
i can see the mess of the pistol :shock: :shock: :lol: and well it is really looking great ..... and does zoo's :shock: wow.......


New Member
Organ pipe is classed as an advanced coral they requre good light h20 and current , they are one of the hard corals out there as for the zoa nice , candy canes are some of the best beginer corals a John said ....Just watch the torch has a potent sting to it :mrgreen:


New Member
So far so good with the new corals. The frogspawn, torch, and brain coral are unpredictable at times. They curl up or expand depending on their mood with the lighting. I just added two more fish, a green clown goby (he is somewhat a baby), and a yellow watchman goby. The pic of the clown goby is faint, and I couldn't take a pic of him in the tank because he darted behind the rocks right when I put him in the tank (he's a speedy little one :sweat: . Thanks for all the feedback, I really appreciate it because it helps me out, ALOT!

Yellow Watchman..

Green Clown Goby..

I would appreciate some feedback on the new additions if you guys have any. Thank you!


New Member
NICE YWG AND Well i cant say nothing about the other one but dont worry he will come around just let him get used to the new system and he will be out in the open... :mrgreen: but really nice additions the pic of the YWG next to the yellow polyps looks great :shock: