
Active Member

I'm so jealous of your tank, I'm turning green with envy. I love your ricordias and your mushrooms. It appears you have a bunch of Yumas in there as well. I think your tank has the perfect balance of mushrooms and softies.

You even did a great job on not purchasing large LPS corals unlike me who had to learn the hard way.

Your tank looks clean and full of life, enjoy that tranquility of that tank because once you get fish, it will not be peaceful, they will be swimming everywhere and you just won't have that view.

Sit back, relax and be proud of your aquascapping and your excellent choice in corals.

A job well done, need I say more...

Mike G


New Member
thx ... and please dont say that mine is better you did a better job in yours i always loved your tank and you aquascaping you were the one that inspired me to make a tank full of color just like you pico but anyways yes im gonna lay back and relax the view cause like you say when fish are presented they drop corals just like the hermits :lol: :lol: but no yumas i know for sure that i wont get one cause they tend to fade or disolve they say that they are hard to keep and also need perfect water and mine has some times ups and down :lol: :lol: :lol: the ones that you might think that are yumas are some hairy lavander shrooms they use to be in a big piece of rock but i broke it with a hammer and shitzel so i could put them werever i wanted an not worrying about that big piece of rock that they were sitting on and yes i tryed to choice some easy corals like shrooms and zoos cause you know im just beggining but is turning great haa ... and well the ricordias i was afraid that were gonna die or dont do well but they been doing well so fare i purchase them like a week 1/2 ago why?? impulsive purchase cause i really love them alot since i got my tank i wanted one but they were selling me 2 for $100 im like no way and then at tong's 25 a piece but then after waiting and waiting and searching a found a really nice place like an hour ago from me and i got those 3 ricordias for $45 what a deal haa... so anyways thx for saying that is turning great :D :)


Staff member
It really is looking great, gotta love those zoos. I am a big zooanthid fan myself. Keep the updates coming and remain patient! Good luck, Skip


New Member
wow Ed, looks real nice. Keep up with the good advice that's been thrown down to you, and it'll continue to stay nice.


New Member
THX im doing my best to add more color to it but the thing is that i cant find a pretty blue and red corals to add .... and about the advice yeah , im sticking to rules ... im waiting and waiting but at the same time is nice to see a reef tank only like mike said.... peacefull, relaxing and color full.... god i love corals.


Staff member
For blues and reds you may have to go for zoos, though they are not easy to find in these colors from a LFS they are available from different people online. Good luck, Skip