12 and 24 nanos


New Member
Here is one of my 12 gallon. Nothing special, just a FOWLR. I changed out the factory pump for a microjet pump to slow down the current. It has a clownfish and two chocolate chip starfishes. I had just changed out the sand in it after being established for over a year. The sand was getting really dirty.

Here is a shot of my 24 gallon. It has been established since December. I had a lot of ich problems in it originally that kept killing my fish. After I put in a UV sterilizer, the tank is fine now. The UV sterilizer sits in the second chamber. It is a 5 watt submariner.

Here is my tomato clown in the 24 gallon.

Here is my Valentini puffer in the 24 gallon.

Here is my spotted cardinal. He is a crabby fish. He always hides in the corner and doesn't ever want to be messed with.

Here are some zoas. I don't have much experience with corals, so I am going slowly. These guys have been doing pretty good for several months now.

That's all for now. If anyone wants to help me make my tanks look better, please feel free to speak up!


New Member
Looks good. Nothing wrong with going slow. Just one thing though, You might wanna get rid of that apisita in the middle of your zoos


New Member
Ok, I took care of the aptasia. I injected it with a syringe of boiling water three times and haven't seen it for two days now. I didn't find a body, but I hope it's gone for good.

The Kapenta Kid

New Member
That Velentini puffer is a very attractive fish. But I have read that they are not reef safe and snack on coral and inverts. Any comments from your experience?
I have also read that spotted cardinals are really nocturnal feeders. I have noticed that mine gets no food during the day, he is elbowed away by green chromis and the clown, but he eats keenly after dark. Perhaps if you feed yours after dark it will become less crabby :mrgreen:


New Member
Hmm...My valentini is dying as of right now. I don't know why either. He was fine this morning. I think maybe he was bullied by the tomato clown...


New Member
Nevermind...He was sleeping...

He hasn't attacked my corals yet, but he does occasionally pick on my crabs and snails. He ate one crab as far as I know.


New Member
as far as I know they might go after polyps, crabs, clams and maybe go for snails not to sure on snails though. Cute guys with a healthy apatite keep it will feed is the only thing I could tell you.

The Kapenta Kid

New Member
Thanks for the input.
Blau, glad it was a fajse alarm.

'We thought her dying whilst she slept,
And sleeping when she died.'

Thomas Hood, but quoted again in Dracula by Bram Stoker :mrgreen:


New Member
Actually he did die...:( He suffered for the whole night. I tried to scoop him out the first time and he swam away. So I thought he was okay. Later, he was on the sand bed again. I tried to scoop him out several more times and he swam away. Finally late last night he didn't swim away when I tried it again. I have no idea why he died. No marks on his body. Everyone else in the tank is doing fine.


New Member
Here is an update of my 24 gallon nano tank. I no longer have the 12 gallon tank since moving to a new apartment that only allowed me to have one aquarium. I have two fishies living in the tank, a tomato clown and a green clown goby.

Can someone tell me what type of coral is sitting on the lower left hand side of my tank?

Here is my tomato clown.



New Member
Blau your tank looks good. Those yellow polyps will spread like wildfire.

Are you referring to the branching type coral or the bubble coral? Is it hard? It looks like a leather of some sort.



New Member

Yes, I am referring to the branching leather coral. I wanted to know the common name of the coral, more than it's just a leather coral. The guy working the shop at the time couldn't figure out what it was, but he knew it was some sort of leather. It has doubled in size within two months time!


New Member
This is a tree coral... does it look like that?

It looks like some sort of finger or tree leather. Not sure if that helps though. :oops:
