New Member
My name is Mark and I think Iam ready to set up my nano FOWLR tank. It will be a 10 Gal tank, with 10-15 pounds of LR, and 2" of sand and Eheim Jager 50 Watt Heater. I intend on keeping 2 False Percula Clownfish. I have decided on a tank but I still have some questions:
1) I recently purchased a Eheim Filter, thinking that extra filteration cannot be a bad thing... Thru further research I discovered the filter medium will most likely cause a excess in nitrates. So Iam thinking of returning the filter, and with the Eheim Powerhead, I am considering using the LR as the only source of filteration. Ive read thru this forum and on other sites, and it seems to be quite do-able. Is this safe for a tank of my size (10 gal) or should I be safe and mount a protein skimmer?
2) I will be using the stock lighting from the tank, seeing as I dont intend on keeping coral, and Ive read that stock lighting is adequate for LR. However, do the fish need light on? The tank will not be left in a dark room, and is somewhat close to a window. I know that during the cycling period, the light can be left off, does this mean it has to be on when the fish are in? Will this 24 hours a day, or just when Iam awake? Is it true that sometimes LR can come with small coral, will this mean I would be better off upgrading my lighting to start off with?
PS. This is similar to the tank Iam getting: Ebay Link
My name is Mark and I think Iam ready to set up my nano FOWLR tank. It will be a 10 Gal tank, with 10-15 pounds of LR, and 2" of sand and Eheim Jager 50 Watt Heater. I intend on keeping 2 False Percula Clownfish. I have decided on a tank but I still have some questions:
1) I recently purchased a Eheim Filter, thinking that extra filteration cannot be a bad thing... Thru further research I discovered the filter medium will most likely cause a excess in nitrates. So Iam thinking of returning the filter, and with the Eheim Powerhead, I am considering using the LR as the only source of filteration. Ive read thru this forum and on other sites, and it seems to be quite do-able. Is this safe for a tank of my size (10 gal) or should I be safe and mount a protein skimmer?
2) I will be using the stock lighting from the tank, seeing as I dont intend on keeping coral, and Ive read that stock lighting is adequate for LR. However, do the fish need light on? The tank will not be left in a dark room, and is somewhat close to a window. I know that during the cycling period, the light can be left off, does this mean it has to be on when the fish are in? Will this 24 hours a day, or just when Iam awake? Is it true that sometimes LR can come with small coral, will this mean I would be better off upgrading my lighting to start off with?
PS. This is similar to the tank Iam getting: Ebay Link