10gal Setup Questions


New Member

My name is Mark and I think Iam ready to set up my nano FOWLR tank. It will be a 10 Gal tank, with 10-15 pounds of LR, and 2" of sand and Eheim Jager 50 Watt Heater. I intend on keeping 2 False Percula Clownfish. I have decided on a tank but I still have some questions:

1) I recently purchased a Eheim Filter, thinking that extra filteration cannot be a bad thing... Thru further research I discovered the filter medium will most likely cause a excess in nitrates. So Iam thinking of returning the filter, and with the Eheim Powerhead, I am considering using the LR as the only source of filteration. Ive read thru this forum and on other sites, and it seems to be quite do-able. Is this safe for a tank of my size (10 gal) or should I be safe and mount a protein skimmer?

2) I will be using the stock lighting from the tank, seeing as I dont intend on keeping coral, and Ive read that stock lighting is adequate for LR. However, do the fish need light on? The tank will not be left in a dark room, and is somewhat close to a window. I know that during the cycling period, the light can be left off, does this mean it has to be on when the fish are in? Will this 24 hours a day, or just when Iam awake? Is it true that sometimes LR can come with small coral, will this mean I would be better off upgrading my lighting to start off with?

PS. This is similar to the tank Iam getting: Ebay Link



New Member
welcome to nanotank

persoanlly i would scratch the filter and PH. most of my tanks have been ten galloners. you might want to consider getting an HOB filter, maybe one that has a protein skimmer built-in. CPR makes a great product. only having LR as your filter is workable in a ten as long as you preform weekly water changes.

the fish will need some light. you dont want to have fish in the tank while its cycling, wait until the cycle is over. i would do a 8-10 hour light cycle regardless of keeping corals or not. you dont need to upgrade your light unless you want to keep corals. HTH


New Member
:) Thanks for that.

Do I add the salt mix during the cycling period? I read that some have evaporation problems and are required to add salt everyday. Does that mean, it would be ideal if I were to add it at the end of the cycle? Or does the cycling process need salt mix?

PS. Wouldnt the evaporation still occur during the normal running of the tank, after the cycle?


ummm ..... good your asking questions
salt water is required in cycling - cycling is a biological process of getting bacteria to grow on and in the rock - saltwater bacteria, and live rock is simply rock from the ocean that already has bacteria and other saltwater critters (worms, crustaceans, sponges etc.) on it - fresh water would kill your rock.
salt does not evaporate, just the water does!!! you top off for evaporation with fresh water during the cycle and forever. without high lighting your evap will be low, just add enough water each day to keep your salinity at the proper level - 1.023 is fine for a FOWLER tank


New Member
johnanddawn said:
salt does not evaporate, just the water does!!!
I just realised how ridiclous I must have sounded... :doh :doh

Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. :)