10gal questions


New Member
just wondering what everyone that has 10gal set-ups are using...

what kind of filtration?
what kind of protein skimmer, if using one?
what kind of lighting?
how much sand and LR?

im going to be setting up my ten gallon back and was just curious...


New Member
The one I had was an Aquaclear 350 or 400, microjet powerhead and for lighting I used a coralife 96w hood. That was it. Oh and an ebo jager 50w heater.


New Member
AC 500 fuge
coralife 96w powerquad
coralife knockoff piccolo skimmer in the fuge.
3/4 auto topoff pitcher.

That's it.

This was my wife's tank, which she didn't really take care of. It's finally starting to look better after several months of algae issues. She finally decided that she was tired of messing with it, and turned it over to me just as the algea was getting under control. Right now I don't have much in it. I haven't decided if I'm gonna keep it up and running or not. I've only kept it up in order to let the algae die off before using the rock in other tanks.



New Member
thanks for the replys.....

emperor 280....was in my refugium,switched over for the biological filtering
coralife 96w
roughly 10pds LR
no sand(going to steal some from my twenty refugium)
no heater at this point...

hopefully when i have some time im going to build a custom refugium/skimmer...

no fish, just some blue legs,both pom poms, some shroom frags, and my split anenomes.....oh yeah and my turtle grass with a new find......tulip anenome, i think...really small....

i might just leave it a crab tank.... :idea:


New Member
if im not using any sand am i going to have to do more often water changes or will i be fine with my over filteration


New Member
Actually no sandbed makes it easier to siphon out the detritus and crud when you do a water change so it CAN mean a cleaner tank.

Lots of folks are switching to 'bare bottom' tanks. Wouldn't work for me because I like sand-dwelling critters like jawfish. But it's an option if you don't care about that.



New Member
just wondering, if i should steal some tonight or wait until i have to break down my twenty long....i might be moving soon, its easier to move a ten than a twenty..

alot of the LR im holding for my friend while we finish his 75


New Member
everything i have fit in the ten, minus the LR that i got from him and the tang....

hes going to get my brain also....hes got MH i think it will do alot better in his tank, not that its doing bad in mine...


New Member
in the process of switching everything over.....yadda yadda yadda
will have pics after im done....hope everything goes good...